Judson Laipply, Most Unintentionally Funny Comedian Ever...
I recently stumbled upon a list of the Most viewed YouTube videos of all time. The runaway champion was this
What is much, much funnier about this 'inspirational comedian', however, is his bio that somehow suckers company CEOs, schools and other annoying HR types to pay this guy $11,000 a pop to 'entertain' the troops.
But don't listen to me, let's let Jud tell us what makes him so high-freaking-larious;
"Drawing from his vast array of experiences that include: working on a cruise ship, playing 4 years of Varsity baseball, working at a camp in Colorado, being a certified Aerobics instructor, teaching college courses, being a published poet, part- time auctioneer, and weekly columnist he can relate to almost any audience."
"No stranger to recognition, Jud was chosen as The Upper Midwest Region's and Wisconsin Region's Outstanding Educational Session Presenter."
"Do not miss his finale “The Evolution of Dance” – considered by many to be the funniest 6 minutes you’ll ever see."
Judson, who, let's face it, is about as gay as you can get, also teaches a seminar called 'Creative Dating' (I never considered buttsex to be all that creative, but I guess it is thinking outside the box [ha ha]). Check out this testimonial from a confused red-stater who is now living his life according to the teachings of someone he probably just voted against being allowed to marry;
Before attending Creative Dating here at UTD in the fall of 1997, I was clueless about women. At that time, I was just beginning a promising relationship. Over the course of a year, I used many of the tips and excellent advice you expertly shared. A year later, my girlfriend and I love each other more than I imagined possible. Your advice didn't teach me how to win her heart, it taught me how to earn her love.
~~ C.S., The University of Texas at Dallas
I agree that there is nothing funny about the evolution of dance video. However, this guy obviously did something that connected with his audience. Some people, like myself, may never understand why thst is...just like I will never understand why people think the movie, "The Hangover," is so damn funny and that Lady Gaga or Jimmy Buffet is awesome. So I think the point is...don't be a hater towards the entertainers. They are just doing what they do. Instead, I would hate the people who subscribe to it. BTW, blogger guy, once you start ripping on someone's sexual orientation, you begin to lose all credibility to your argument. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on you for posting this blog. Instead, I will hate the people who are unable to see through it...
Good day.
9:02 AM
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